Sport Grant Application
This application is to be completed by all Ngāti Ruanui registered uri who are seeking sporting financial support.
Applications are limited to one per financial year and must be submitted by 5 pm on the deadline date. Deadlines: March 14, June 13, September 12 or December 5.
Applicants must satisfy one or more of the following charitable purposes:
Enable access to sporting opportunities (Relief of poverty)
Providing training or developing individual capabilities, competencies and skills
To support and facilitate real, tangible benefits to the community
The following will not be considered:
Overseas travel
Professional sports
Cash prizes or non-cash prizes
Trips for supporters and spectators, or after-match functions
Privately owned organisations or ventures for personal gain
Completed and approved grants are disbursed quarterly. ie March, June, September and December.
If you have any queries or require assistance, please do not hesitate to call 0800 RUANUI (782684) or email