Works begin on 110-metre suspension bridge on Taranaki Maunga
Work has begun on a 110-metre suspension bridge over the Manganui Gorge on Taranaki Maunga, marking a new phase of the Taranaki Crossing project.
The 1.2m-wide bridge will sit 50m above the gorge and connect the plateau carpark with the only ski field on the Maunga via a 30-minute walk.
The new bridge is built to withstand 210kmh winds and to last 100 years.
In early November, Ngāti Ruanui members conducted a karakia at at a blessing of the site attended by DOC staff, members of the Taranaki Crossing governance group and personnel from the companies contracted to deliver the project.
Ngāti Ruanui, Deputy Tumu W’akaae, Ngapari Nui said it was great to see a partnership of two years come together with the start of the bridge’s construction.
"We have been involved with the bridge design, location including key cultural considerations which will ensure an enduring legacy for all."
"Projects like this are the blueprint for the future; working together to improve cultural connections along with enhancing the economic and tourist potential of the Maunga."
Ngāti Ruanui commissioned an artist to designed the mast and balustrade panels to add a strong cultural representation to the bridge and emphasise the significance of Taranaki Maunga to the iwi of Taranaki.
The bridge is due for completion in April.